
It is a challenge to live with no sense of direction. But I have learned how to cope with it. I always take the big and straight roads – even if it’s longer – and ignore the winding short-cuts. I certainly don’t just drive in the approximate direction to get somewhere. Cause I have no clue what that direction might be. If I’m in a new place and go into a store or building it takes me a while when I get back outside to know what way I came from. But I’m aware of this and work around it. I try to memorize the things I see and go from there. My American mom used to say “you can put Åsa in a paper bag and she wouldn’t find her way out”. That is pretty much how I live my life actually: without a clue of what direction to take. I just tag along and deal with things as I encounter them. Every now and then this does cause me worries. I sometimes wish I had a plan. That I knew which way to take. Also here I try to adopt by analyzing things I recognise. It’s like with driving: I have an idea of where I want to end up: but I don’t know the fastest way there. I’m doing things unnecessary complicated or at least more lengthy than it has to be. And as the car will require more gas for the longer road: I use more energy and effort than I really had to. No wonder I’m so tired!
But of course: just because you do have a plan doesn’t necessarily mean you will end up where you planed though. All my Swedish engineering friends who I met in CA, USA had very detailed plans about life: what position to take career wise, where to buy a house, when to get married (to a very good looking girl of course) and when to have children. Only one of them did get all the things in a timely manner. The rest of them have been forced to revise their plans over and over and over…
One of these Swedish engineering boys – who happen to be one of my best guy friends – never had such detailed plans (as far as I know!) and have finally moved back to Sweden. Each year when he came back to visit Sweden I got to be his personal shopper. That’s why I was brave enough to apply for the position as Deb’s personal shopper (and get it I might add!). I like to shop for others more than for my self. I’m way too frugal to spend money on myself – but spending money on others or better yet, spending other people’s money: that’s the way to go! Now when he is back for good (?1?) in Sweden: we’ll be doing a lot of shopping! I’m so happy to have another returning immigrant to hang with! Someone how doesn’t think you have to have known each other for three generations to go biking, travelling, SAILING (yes yes yes!) together. And probably WANT to do all these things! Hmm… wonder if that means I ought to get in shape now. At the moment I’m expecting my gym to make a sign “sponsored by Åsa” since I sure aint using the gym – just sending monthly payments….